
Book of Ruth

Film (89 Min)
Directed by Esty Shushan

Produced by Metro Films

Done at RGB Studio


Documentry TV Series (KAN 11, 4 Episodes)
Directed by Ben Shani

Produced by Beyond Creative

Done at RGB Studio

Lost in Territories

Film (92 min)
Directed by Nadav Shlomo Giladi

Produced by Daroma Productions

Done at RGB Studio

Meshi Zahav

Documentry TV Series (KAN 11, 4 Episodes)
Directed by Sharon Yaish

Produced by Beyond Creative

Done at RGB Studio

MCL Jewlery

Directed by Kobi Vogman

Produced by Omer Ben David


Take a Number

TV Series (KAN 11, 6 Episodes)
Directed by Roee Florentin

Produced by Green Productions

Done at RGB Studio

Gaza Syndrome

Documentry Film (KAN 11, 3 Episodes)
Directed by Hila Itzchaki, Dubi Kroytoro

Produced by Beyond Creative

Done at RGB Studio


Artistic Preformence (18 min)
Created by Daniel Kiczales 


Directed by Kobi Vogman

Produced by Omer Ben David

The New Fund - Marshek

Directed by Ori Szternfeld

Produced by Pedro Films

#Don’tClick (105)

Directed by Elad Segoli

Produced by Peach

Done at RGB Studio



Documentry TV-Series (KAN 11, 6 Episodes)
Directed by Duki Dror

Produced by Liat Kamai Eshed

Done at RGB Studio

Not Heroes

Documentry Film (HOT8, 81 min)
Directed by Shaked Brand

Produced by Kastina Productions

Done at RGB Studio

A Place of her Own

Documentry Film (KAN 11, 60 min)
Directed by Adi Toledano, Dana Peni-Gil

Produced by Daroma Productions

Done at RGB Studio

A Letter Without an Address

Documentry Film (KAN 11, 80 min)
Directed by Sharon Yaish, Yael Shahar

Produced by Daroma Productions

Done at RGB Studio


Documentry Film (KAN 11, 55 min)
Directed by Eyal Datz

Produced by Beyond Creative

Done at RGB Studio

Out. Saturday.

Documentry Films (KAN 11, 6 Films)
Directed by Zvi David, Kinar Dar, Annabel Targobnick, Rotem Elkayam, Shani Cohen, Amit Errel, Omer Daida

Produced by Metaphore

Hutar Lepirsum

Documentry Film (KAN 11, 60 min)
Directed by Roee Finzi, Liat Yoffe

Produced by SpaceCat

Done at RGB Studio

Homeless World Cup

Documentry Film (SPORT5, 58 min)
Directed by Roee Alon

Produced by Stav Meron

Matzav Nafshi

Documentry TV Series (KAN 11, 3 Episodes)
Directed by Jasmine Kainy

Produced by Slutzky Communication

Done at RGB Studio

Tunnel Vision

Short Films (2 min)
Directed by Rani Avidan

Produced by Elina Margolin

Laflore Paris - Doquintin

Directed by Kobi Vogman

Produced by Omer Ben David

Shai Gabso - Till the Sky Will Open

Music Video
Directed by Liran Segal

Produced by Yossi Bozo (NMC)

Atara Oryah - Peter Pen

Music Video
Directed by Liran Segal

Produced by Yossi Bozo (NMC)

Haifa Film Festival - Israeli Competition - Official Selection

Haifa Film Festival - Israeli Competition - Official Selection

Cinema South Festival - In First Person Perspective - Official Selection

Solidarity Film Festival - Official Selection



Documentry Film (61 min)
Directed by Natan Rushansky

Produced by Daroma Production
Done at RGB Studio

Generation Turmoi (The Battle

of the Tribes)

Documentry TV-Series (KAN 11, 5 Episodes)
Directed by Duki Dror, Naftaly Gliksberg

Produced by Liat Kamai Eshed

Done at RGB Studio

Women in Battle

Documentry Film (75 min)
Directed by Lee Nechushtan

Produced by Metaphore

The Babysitters

Documentry TV-Series (Kan Kids, 2 Seasons)
Directed by Roee Florentin

Produced by Beyond Creative

Israeli Air Force in the Kippur War

Documentry Film (HOT8, 60 min)
Directed by Levi Zini

Produced by Doc Films, Levi zini
Done at RGB Studio

Save the Pets

Documentry TV-Series (Kan Kids, 2 Seasons)
Directed by Erez Bernholz

Produced by Shula Dana Productions

Done at RGB Studio

Doc Aviv - Beyond the Screen Competition - Official Selection

Haifa Film Festival - Israeli Competition - Official Selection

Israeli TV Academy Awards - Best Web Series - Nomination


What’s Happening to Me Lately?

Documentry Film (YES Doco, 57 min)
Directed by Tamar Tal Anati

Produced by T.H. Productions LTD.

My First Memory: Shlomo Artzi -

Musical Biography

Documentry TV-Series (HOT8, 3 Episodes)
Directed by Yaron Shilon, Morris Ben-Mayor and Amir Ben-David

Produced by Slutzky Communication

Done at RGB Studio


Documentry Film (KAN 11, 65 min)
Directed by Noa Aharoni

Produced by Levi Zini

Done at RGB Studio

How To - Shenkar

Tutorials (30 Videos)
Directed by Naomi Meroz

Creative by Hila Shaltieli

Kutiman ft. Dekel - I Believe in You

Music Video
Directed by Dekel & Eve


Doc Aviv - Arts and Culture - World Premiere


How to Say Silence

Documentry Film (YES Doco, 60 min)
Directed by Shir Newman

Produced by Kastina Productions

Done at RGB Studio

The Future is Here

Documentry TV-Series (KAN 11, 2 Seasons)
Directed by Ben Shani

Produced by Slutzky Communication

Done at RGB Studio


Documentry TV-Series (Kan Kids, 4 Seasons)
Directed by Aviad Keidar

Produced by Shula Dana Productions

Done at RGB Studio

Save the Wild Animals

Documentry TV-Series (Kan Kids, 2 Seasons)
Directed by Erez Bernholz, Elad Goldman

Produced by Shula Dana Productions

Done at RGB Studio

Born On

Documentry TV-Series (KAN 11, 6 Episodes)
Directed by Ran Landau, Bat Dor Ojalvo

Produced by Beyond Creative

Done at RGB Studio

Doc Aviv - Winner - Best Debut Film

Children and Youth Television Awards (1st) - 8 Nominations

Children and Youth Television Awards - Best Documentry Series - Winner (2021)
Children and Youth Television Awards -Best Documentry Series - Winner (2022)